Christopher Haley
Together, We Will Move Reading Forward!
My name is Christopher Haley, and I am running for re-election to the sole open Select Board seat for the Town of Reading on March 5th
Moving forward into 2024, my priorities remain much the same as they were the last time I ran for Select Board and what I have worked for during my time in office: I will continue to advocate for our Seniors, work on improving Communication & Transparency in our local government, support our Public Safety officials, address Parking concerns and work to grow our Small Business community. In terms of specific priorities, these are the top 3 that I feel are the most important for our community:

2024 Campaign Videos
2024 MBTA Communities
Reading needs to zone, not build, at least 1493 new units to comply with new legislation or risk losing state funding. I will work to ensure that our town retains the character that brought so many of us to Reading. I will advocate to preserve the quality of life and neighborhoods that we all call home.
2024 Communication & Transparency - Revisited
In 2021, I vowed to give as much feedback on any topic before the board that I could. I promised to walk you through my entire decision-making process, and I believe I accomplished this to a fault. I’ve been criticized for speaking too much at board meetings but I do, so you the public knows, exactly how I came to my decision. Whether right, wrong, or indifferent, you know my opinion on the matter before me.
Prior 2021 Campaign Videos
2021 Parking
With all the over-developing going on around downtown, parking is becoming more and more challenging every day.
There are numerous *Grant* opportunities avaialble for a Parking Facility that I will apply for. MassWorks provides grants to communities to help them prepare for success and contribute to the long term strength and sustainability of our Commonwealth.
2021 Small Business
We cannot have a thriving downtown without small businesses. I know firsthand you cannot have small businesses without parking for your customers. Both topics have been longstanding issues for Reading, its small business owners, and its residents.
Without adequate parking small businesses suffer. Without small businesses, the residents suffer; through the lack of purchasing choices and through the lack of a commercial tax base. Thus, these two topics are inextricably intertwined.
Therefore, the time is now to elect a person with experience in understanding the challenges small business owner face and the proven ability to grow a small business.
2021 Communication & Transparency
The cornerstones of local government. I plan to further increase Trust, Honesty, and Integrity in our board.
The benefit of providing as much information to the public as possible is that it gives them an opportunity to think about decisions that the local officials made and provide valuable feedback to them.
2021 Seniors
Our Senior Citizens helped make Reading what is is today. With the rising property values, we are essentially pushing our seniors and veterans out of our community. I will do all I can to ensure that they are not further priced out of town.
Expanding on our existing center and adding a 1st floor bathroom to make it more welcoming. Without the room, our seniors go to Stoneham or Lynnfield instead.
2021 Public Safety
I want to reestablish the confidence that Reading residents should have in their Public Safety officials. Chief Clark and his department have been key contributors to the fact that Reading has been recognized as the 19th safest community in the United States by Neighborhood Scout once again.
As such, my support for Chief Burns and his group of firefighters is unwavering. In my role on the Select Board, I will vocally support their roles in our community.
Countdown to the March 5th Re-election
Voting takes place at the Hawkes Field House at the Reading Memorial High School, 62 Oakland Road. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on March 5th.
Check Your Voter Status
Click below to be re-directed to the Secretary of the State Online Voter Registration Status System.
Register Online
Click below to be re-directed to the Secretary of the State Online Voter Registration System.
Download a Voter Registration Form
Click below to download a Voter Registration Mail-In Form. You may also register at Reading Town Hall.
The deadline is February 24th at 5:00pm.
Absentee Ballot Application
Click below to download an Absentee Ballot Application. Completed forms are returned to the Town Clerk at 16 Lowell St. You will then receive your ballot in the mail that has to completed by the date listed.
Deadline to request a vote by an absentee ballot to be mailed is by 5:00 pm on February 27th.
Mail in Voting
To vote by mail please provide town hall with the vote by mail application as soon as possible, they will mail you the ballot. You can then return the ballot to them via US Mail or drop in the Town box at Town Hall.
Deadline to request a vote by mail or absentee ballot to be mailed is by 5:00 pm on February 27th.
Reach out and let us know!
Contact Us
Committee to Elect Christopher Haley
2 Haven St #301
Reading, MA 01867
Phone & Text: 781.604.2539
Email: info@HaleyForReading.com